
Russell and His Beeziness, Small Cast Comedy Play Licensed


A Play from the Children’s Series. Russell lives on his family’s farm with his animal friends.  Things are tight on the farm this year so Russell decides to chip in to help his family.

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Russell lives on his family’s farm with his friends Winnie (the horse), Arthur (the pig), and Lilah (the neurotic chicken).

Things are a little tight on the farm this year and Russell’s father tells him there’s no extra money to buy the new bike that he’s been dreaming about having. He is feeling very sorry for himself until Beatrice (the bee) comes into the barn to ask him for his help. The bees need more hives so they can handle the extra work they have to deal with this summer and Beatrice makes a deal with Russell. If Russell will build the hives, he can have all the honey he wants so he can sell it and make the money to buy that bike.

He asks his father for permission to do this and is surprised when his father not only says “Yes”, but volunteers to help to build the hives. His father understands the value of the bees pollinating his plants so that his crops will produce.

Throughout this play, Russell learns all the ups and downs of running his business and, in the end, comes to understand the value and the sense of accomplishment and self-improvement that comes with hard work.

Cast of Characters

  1. RUSSELL – (10-12 years old) A sweet and thoughtful farm boy.
  2. WINNIE – A horse (two people)
  3. ARTHUR – A Pig
  4. LILAH – A neurotic chicken
  5. BEATRICE – A female bee

Script Sample

Production/Director’s Notes:

This play can be done with simple sets or, if the budget allows, the theater can make the sets much more involved.

Costumes are minimal and the Cast can be played by a combination of children and adults, or they can be all children, depending on your theater’s objectives.

The Authors are available for consultation with regard to any difficulties in performing due to venue problems, or if there is any need for script adjustment in order for your group to be able to be able to perform the work.

Simply call us, and we will be glad to help wherever we can.

Materials Package

Your Materials Package Includes:

  • 13 Scripts
  • 1 Press Play CD of Sound Effects

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