
Mother Truckers the Comedy Play Licensed


A Comedic Play.  A brand new Peterbilt truck and a husband’s ashes.  These two things inspire Maxine and her friend, Charlotte, to “hit the road” to find a best final resting place and maybe a new career!

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Maxine and Charlotte are sisters. Two buxom and full-figured women who have worked hard all their lives and never quite gotten out of “Trailer Park” status. Although they have a tough exterior, they are actually very good people.

Maxine’s husband has just died of a sudden heart attack while he was on the road with their brand new Peterbilt Truck. Maxine reveals to Charlotte that Nelson’s heart attack could not have come at a worse time. They just bought the new rig, and Maxine is left in debt up to her eyeballs.

Trying to help, yet feeling at a loss, Charlotte says, “It’s a shame you can’t just pick up where Nelson left off.” Charlotte, of course does not really mean it, but Maxine suddenly figures… “Why NOT?” And so the adventure begins! And, while they’re at it, they’ll take Nelson’s ashes with them, hoping to find just the right place to spread them.

The two women, assisted by Maxine’s lovable yet intensely micromanaging neighbor, Mary Ellen, pack the truck and take off on their first run. They get off to a bad start by taking a wrong turn onto a “NO TRUCK ZONE,” but soon feel reassured when they meet “Sugar Daddy” on the CB radio followed by Roy McCoy, a strange little guy with very big feet. Is it true what they say about a man with big feet?

Things get complicated when they meet a hooker named Trixie at Rosie Mae’s Truck Stop. It seems Trixie knew Nelson quite well and Maxine is not amused. It now becomes painfully apparent that they have found just the right spot for Nelson’s ashes. In a roaring fury, Maxine locks herself in the Ladies Room, gives her farewell speech, and flushes Nelson down the toilet. After all, he loved the water, the ladies, and Rosie Mae’s Truck Stop. What could be more perfect?

With Maxine finally reaching “Closure”, the two women climb back aboard their shiny new truck and take to the road to put the past behind them.

LOOK OUT… Here come the Mother Truckers. “The road” will never be the same again!

Cast of Characters

This show is one of our FLEXICAST FRIENDLY plays. There are 8 cast members, but it can be done with as few as five.

  1. CHARLOTTE (CHARLIE/CHUCK) (45 yrs old) (Older sister of Maxine) Full figured Woman. Tough demeanor, but a sweetheart deep inside.
  2. MAXINE (MAXIE) WORMLY – (42 yrs old) (Younger sister of Charlotte) Full figured Woman. Widow of Nelson Wormly. MAXINE Comes across as tough and self-sufficient but leans on her older sister somewhat.
  3. MAN BEHIND THE COUNTER – (Can be any age – Director’s discretion) A typical mini-mart cashier, but not very bright.
  4. ROBBER – (MALE any age) – Nervous, neurotic. Obviously on drugs.
  5. MARY ELLEN – (Early 40’s) – Attractive woman. Ditsy, hyperactive, yet self-assured. SUGAR DADDY – (MALE off-stage voice) Redneck truck driver type who speaks over the CB radio.
  6. ROY McCOY – (MALE retirement age) Very short and thin with a severe southern drawl.
  7. TRIXIE – (Late 20’s – 30’s) – Truckstop hooker. A bubble-headed girl with a funny voice. NOTE: In the opening scene there is a man and woman at the funeral that can be played by the character of MARY ELLEN and the MAN BEHIND THE COUNTER.

Script Sample

Production Notes

TIME: The Present

PLACE: Begins in a small town in North Carolina, U.S.A. Then travels South … “On The Road”

STAGE NOTES: With a cast requirement of only eight people, MOTHER TRUCKERS is easy to do in any venue. The sets can be done minimally and, for the most part, revolve around the two main characters in their “Big Rig” Truck.

Costumes are also easy, since they are contemporary, every day dress.

It is most effective to give the illusion of the engine sounds and movement of the Truck, so with that in mind, J&G will provide a complete CD of all required Sound Effects through our Studio generated “PRESS PLAY” System with instructions notated within the script.

Materials Package

Your Materials Package Includes:

  • 14 Scripts
  • 1 Press Play CD of Sound Effects

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