
Love and Merger, A Small Cast Comedy Play Perusal


A Comedic Play.  The genteel and mannerly South gets a humorous remaking as the town of Regal, South Carolina, finds itself with an opportunity for everyone to make money at everyone else’s expense.



It’s 1995 and the town of Regal, South Carolina is going bankrupt. The town grew up surrounding the Regal Typewriter Company and with the advent of the computer, nobody wants typewriters anymore.

The town founder and owner of the Regal Typewriter Company, Colonel Beaumont, dies of old age and, having no heirs, leaves his entire estate to the town of Regal.

We’re saved!… Or are we?

Through much discussion, it is decided that the seven members of the board have all the experience and talent necessary to turn the factory into a shopping bazaar and the Colonel’s large estate into a posh boutique hotel resort and spa.

Let the greed begin! Each board member now sees an opportunity to line their own pockets.

Then there’s Massoud Habibi. He’s the owner of Habibi Fine Rugs, which always seems to be running a 20% off sale. Masood, being the clever businessman that he is, has his own agenda.

In the middle of it all, there is a secret romance going on that allows for an extra “dipping into the til”. Our romantic duo find themselves hopelessly attracted to each other due to their mutual love of money.

Finally depleting the town coffers of all working capital, the board finds themselves at a Town Hall meeting, having to make an accounting to the town’s people.

Uh Oh! They’ve got themselves backed into a tight corner.

Miraculously, they’re able to announce that there is an anonymous buyer that wants to purchase the Hotel Resort and Spa at a very good price… and quickly. But the townspeople become suspicious when the Council won’t reveal the name of the buyer. Who could it be?

The Town Council finds themselves in fear of arrest and long prison sentences. But, somehow, the whole thing gets turned around and instead of jail… there’s a wedding?

Who knew?

Cast of Characters


  1. ETHAN TAYLOR – (50’s male) Attorney at Law. A bit stuffy and portly.
  2. DAISY BISKETT – (late 40’s female.) Heavy Southern drawl. An attractive woman. A bit low class, but tries to overcome it. Owns the local Diner.
  3. RENEE TRACY – (early 40’s female.) Attractive Real Estate Broker. Real “Go Getter” business type.
  4. TEDDY BILDERMAN – (40’s male.) Local Building Contractor. Ruggedly attractive.
  5. HANNAH IMALRITE – (late 30’s female.) Pretty. Wears her hair pulled back in a bun, and large framed glasses. Studious artistic type. Interior Designer
  6. JEFF VESTIN – (early 40’s male.) Body builder type. High School Gym Teacher. Always wears a whistle on a string around his neck. Has a crush on HANNAH IMALRITE. HANNAH is not interested.
  7. JAKE DANIELS – (mid 50’s male.) Accountant. Heavy set balding man. Wears a well-worn business suit that barely fits. Wears a tie, but never closes the top button of his shirt.
  8. MASSOUD HABIBI – (45 yrs old.) – Middle Eastern man with strong accent. Well dressed and always wearing a smile and trying to make a deal to sell his Persian Rugs.


  1. HENRY LEATHERWOOD – (Late 60’s) Always looking for an argument.
  2. LETTIE JOHNSON – (Mid to late 70’s) Appears to be a frail little old lady, but is really quite feisty.

Script Sample

Production Notes

TIME – December thru June, 1995

PLACE – The fictitious Southern town of Regal, South Carolina.

SET – (One Set) The Town Council Meeting Room at City Hall. There is a long table (dais) with seven chairs. The cast is seated from house left to house right as follows: JEFF VESTIN, DAISY BISKETT, RENEE TRACY, ETHAN TAYLOR (center), JAKE DANIELS, TEDDY BUILDERMAN, and HANNAH IMALRITE. The table must either have a wood front or a table cloth that falls to the floor.

The center chair is bigger than the others. This is where Ethan Taylor sits. At center front of the table/dias hangs the emblem for the Town Council of Regal, South Carolina. Behind the table/dias are two flags on floor poles. One is the flag of the United States and the other is the flag of the state of South Carolina.

To one side is a table which is used for refreshments. There is a coffee urn, Styrofoam cups sugar, sweetener, and creamer on the table.

COSTUMES – 1995’s street dress. Also a wedding dress and two tasteless bridesmaids dresses. All costumes need to be very “quick change” so it is suggested that, for the most part, each cast member wear the same neutral pants/skirt and/or shirt/blouse for ACT I and another for ACT II and only change “over” pieces like jackets, scarves, etc. to give the appearance of the change of date.

ACT I, Scenes 1-3 takes place in December of 1995, just before Christmas. In Scene 1, several of the cast wear Christmas scarves, pins, etc. JEFF VESTIN wears a tasteless, gaudy Christmas scarf throughout all three scenes in ACT I.

ACT II takes place in June of 1995, requiring warm weather costume accents. Consult script for any additional details.

Director’s Notes

Your materials package comes with all the scripts you will need for cast, director, tech and crew. You will also receive our PRESS PLAY CD with all the sound affects you will need to produce the show. Additionally, you will receive a copy of “Daisy Biskett’s Good Eatin’ Cookbook” which is part of the script. The cookbook is also available for you to purchase at wholesale as a product to sell to make more money for your theater.

Please feel free to call J&G any time to speak with the authors regarding any questions, comments or script changes you may require.

Materials Package

Your Materials Package Includes:

  • 18 Scripts
  • 1 Press Play CD of Sound Effects
  • 2 Copies of Daisy Biskett’s Good Eats’ Cookbook

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