
Fractured Follies, A Comedy Musical About Dance Perusal



A Comedic Musical Review.  Vaudeville returns to the stage with this tribute to the tried-and-true genre that amused our parents and grandparents.   In addition, there are new skits, songs, and dance numbers written especially in the vaudeville tradition but with a contemporary touch.  Enjoy!!


FINALLY! We NOW know the truth about the origin of Mankind! It all began in a Petri Dish at the Genome Observation Department!… WHO KNEW?

THAT’S RIGHT! It seems that, per the “Boss’s” instructions, an experiment was conducted that yielded a split result. The Subject divided into a positive and negative of itself, requiring careful introduction to each other in order for the experiment to continue. Relabeled “Man” and “Woman”, the subject matter was
poured into a Petri Dish and the experiment observation was begun.

We see the differences in the two “Subjects” as we follow them through their introduction, their growth in getting acquainted, their ultimate joining, and, of course, procreation. (The procreation part got a little ugly at the actual moment of birth, but, luckily, they survived it.)

Unfortunately, the whole thing was supervised by two rather unorthodox Lab Technicians, one of whom is a severe hypochondriac and worries constantly. Against explicit instructions, the Lab Techs can’t help tampering. They really should have left well enough alone, but they felt so bad because “Man” seemed to be at a definite disadvantage in several situations.

In the end, the two “Subjects” grow to maturity and have to acknowledge that, even through the rough spots, the whole thing was quite worth it because, in fact, they grew to love each other very much.

This is a touching and funny play that involves only four cast members. The set is simple and the message is a happy one. Everyone in the audience will be able to relate to what they watch unfold on the stage before their eyes.

Cast of Characters

  1. LAB TECH #1: (MALE or FEMALE) Nerdy type. Wears a lab coat and constantly writes things down on his clip board. Is a tedious record keeper and very nervous and unsure. As a result, s/he is a hypochondriac.
  2. LAB TECH #2: (MALE or FEMALE) More of a “Regular Guy/Gal”. Wears a lab coat. Works a little more “Off the cuff”. Messy.
  3. MAN: Handsome, well-built young man wearing a full black body suit.
  4. WOMAN: Beautiful, well-built young woman wearing a full black body suit.


Yes We Have No Bananas:

Gonna’ Have A Party:

Bring On The Glitz:

You Made Me Love You:


Does Anybody Know What City We’re In?:

Home Never Looked So Good:


The Waltz of Words:

He Didn’t Really Mean What He Said:

Mum’s The Word:

Leave Me Alone 1:

Leave Me Alone 2:

Girls Are Different From Boys:

I’m A Woman:

Just Show Your Teeth:

Look for the Silver Lining:

Fractured Follies Finale:

Script Sample

Director’s Notes

FRACTURED FOLLIES is offered as a light-hearted throwback to the Vaudeville stage. It is meant to provide an evening of music and laughter that the audience can take home with them and savor.

This fun musical is one of our FLEXICAST FRIENDLY works. It is set to an ensemble cast of only 12 members but, if you wish to broaden the performance to include more people in the cast, it is easy to add to the chorus and dancers in most of the numbers.

The Cast List is provided to assign the different roles in a sequence that allows for a smooth transition to each scene and costume changes, but the director is invited to reassign the roles according to the talent available where needed. Costumes and sets are described in the script at the beginning of each scene.

The sets are minimalist, but if so desired, the sets can be expanded and enhanced at Director’s discretion.

We encourage you to feel free to call us any time at(215)345-5550 and talk to the authors/composers about any concerns, required changes, or anything else. We’re always here to help and happy to hear from you.

We will also gladly provide the show’s artwork upon request in whatever format you may need it. There is no charge for the artwork.

Materials Package

Your Materials Package Includes:

  • 12 Scripts
  • 1 Press Play CD of Sound Effects

Let’s License This Work Today!

Ready to license this very special look into the history of DANCE, in a Musical, to perform for your audience?


Click Here to Purchase the Licensing for Chasing Santa with Materials Package.

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