

Behind the Scenes – Creating Nora Swan

Behind the Scenes – Creating Nora Swan

In England, nearing the end of World War II, Richard Swan and his wife Nora were in a terrible car accident that claimed his life and left her blind.  It is now 1951, Nora lives in New York City, and an old friend of Richard's comes into her life with the shocking...

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Behind the Scenes – Fractured Follies

Behind the Scenes – Fractured Follies

By special request from The Rosarito Theatre Guild, we created a Vaudeville style "Follies", added our own wacky sense of humor,and created wonderful new scenes and scenarios featuring music from musicals written by Sapperstein and Murway and voila!... The "Fractured...

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Behind the Scenes – Unspeakable!

Behind the Scenes – Unspeakable!

This is the story of a family with a history steeped in the fire of war and the heartache of loss as they discover the importance of learning who they are by coming to know and understand who and where they came from...No matter how UNSPEAKABLE it may be! UNSPEAKABLE!...

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TANYS – Community Theatre Excellence

TANYS – Community Theatre Excellence

Well, here we are driving home from the TANYS Festival of 2013 with smiles on our faces, great memories from an amazing event, and a plethora of fabulous new friends and acquaintances. Although our intention was to introduce the plays and musicals we represent to the...

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Ready To Make a Real Change?
Let’s Get Theater Back On Track,

Let’s Get Started

Ready To Make a Real Change?
Let’s Get Theater Back On Track,

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