

J&G Licensing

Other than J&G’ trademarks, which are licensed subject to the Trademark Policy below, all content on this site is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license unless otherwise marked. J&G makes the legal code of its licenses. This allows anyone to reuse the text for any purpose, but fully and unconditionally reserves to J&G all trademark and branding rights associated with the legal code. This assures uniform use of J&G’ trademarks, including design marks (e.g., buttons) that represent and point to our licenses or other legal tools. Accordingly, to prevent confusion, you are not allowed to mark, label or associate “J&G,” “CC” or any other J&G trademarks or other design marks with modified versions of our licenses.

Website Disclaimer

This website provides general information about legal topics but it does not provide individual legal advice. J&G Unlimited is not a law firm and does not provide legal services. Using this website or sending us email does not create an attorney-client relationship. J&G provides this general legal information on an ‘as-is’ basis. J&G makes no warranties regarding the general legal information provided on this website, and disclaims liability for damages resulting from its use.

Notice: We do not license works for money or help collect royalties.

J&G Trademark policy

The double C in a circle, the words and logotype “J&G,” J&G license buttons, and any combination of the foregoing, whether integrated into a larger whole or standing alone, including but not limited to CC+ (within a circle or standing alone), are Creative Commons’ trademarks. You are authorized to use our trademarks on the terms and conditions below, and only on the further condition that you download the trademarks directly from our website.

The (TM) ™, ® or © symbols, and any combination of the foregoing, whether integrated into a larger whole or standing alone, all represent trademarks or copyrights filed with or in accordance with United States Copyright Law.  You are authorized to use our trademarks on the terms and conditions below and only on the further condition that you download the trademarks directly from our website.

Corporate Logo and Logotype: J&G licenses the use of its trademarked corporate logo on the condition that the trademark licensee use the mark to point to the J&G homepage, http://www.JandG.biz, and only to the J&G homepage. J&G retains full, unfettered, and sole discretion to revoke this trademark license for any reason whatsoever or for no specified reason.

Creative Commons Public Copyright License Marks: J&G licenses the use of its trademarked TLC Scripts and AFA logos and all production/show artwork, in the context of its Public Copyright License Marks  on the condition that licensee use the mark solely for the purpose to market their licensed production of a J&G work and/or to point to a J&G website page or TLC Scripts or AFA member page who owns the copyright license or Commons deed on the J&G server or otherwise uses it to describe the J&G license that applies to a particular work; and provided that, to the extent the licensee is using the mark in an online environment, licensee does not alter or remove the hyperlink embedded in such logo as made available on J&G webpage. J&G retains full, unfettered, and sole discretion to revoke this trademark license for any reason whatsoever or for no specified reason. J&G is particularly likely to revoke said license if, in its full, unfettered, and sole discretion, it finds that licensee’s use of the mark is likely to bring disrepute to licensor or its mark.

Copyright infringement notifications

If you have reason to believe that any material or activity on a site controlled or operated by J&G (such as the information or works you provide on your AFA profile pages) is infringing of the right(s) owned by you or someone else, for whom you have authority to act, please follow our DMCA Notice & Takedown Procedure.

Other Content

Other parts of the site may also include third party content that is licensed on different terms. Where that use is not a fair use, the different license terms of that content are either indicated or the content is acknowledged to be “Used with permission.”

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