From Director to Marketing, Ralph Maffongelli

From Director to Marketing, Ralph Maffongelli

RalphMaffongelli - smaller

By Ralph Maffongelli

Bucks County, Pennsylvania: What does the American Association of Community Theatres have to do with a theatre director’s transition from community theatre managing director to royalty house sales rep?  Well the organization did not broker the deal between the Sheboygan Theatre Company (STC) and J & G Unlimited for the production of one of their musicals, nor did it play headhunter when I retired from STC and was approached by J & G.  But AACT was literally at the center of the entire process.

It was through AACT that J & G located me and STC when they were promoting their catalog and one play in particular.  The continual networking that AACT does, bringing all types of theatre companies together, led to a phone conversation between me and Judith Sapperstein, the J of J&G and one half of an energetic and talented collaborating duo.

As is so often the case, the piece first pitched was not the one STC produced.  But we almost immediately began working on the world premiere of the election satire HUH? as our annual July 4th offering.  The process could not have gone more smoothly and J&G was totally supportive throughout, even though we asked to make an incredible number of cuts and alterations in order to adapt the show for our free, daytime, outdoor venue.

When I shortly after decided that, having spent twenty-eight years at the helm of the Sheboygan Theatre Company, it was time to retire, Judy asked if I would join J&G and assist them in promoting their works.  Based on the very positive relationship which had bloomed, I immediately said, “Yes.”

But still the question remains, why would someone be willing to go from one side of the desk to the other, transitioning from mounting shows to convincing others to do so?  The answers are quite simple.  First and foremost the scripts are good.  Otherwise I would not be involved.  As Shakespeare said, “The play’s the thing.”  That’s the bottom line.  Judith Sapperstein and Gary Merway turn out wonderful, well-written, well-conceived plays and musicals that are funny, entertaining and both producer and audience-friendly.

Secondly, J&G is committed to Community Theatre.  They truly want to see good theatre presented and good theatres succeed.  They will work with a producing company every step of the way, from making the script, perusal and royalty process as simple as possible to solving production challenges and authoring script changes.  Thirdly, with their own marketing department and complete recording facilities, they have the necessary resources to provide this assistance.  Along with scripts and scores come audio tapes which range from those with and without lyrics so performers can fully appreciate the vocal melodies to those that can be used in performance.  Moreover, J&G designs, produces and markets ancillary products specifically for each show to be sold at show time.

So it was an easy sell for me to join J&G, but had it not been for the commitment of AACT to the national and international networking of all entities involved in producing quality amateur theatre the connection may never have been made.  So keep reading good scripts and continue networking through AACT.

About J&G Unlimited, LLC.
J&G is a licensing company representing the works of Judith Sapperstein & Gary Murway.  Being a small firm, J&G has the power and flexibility to work deals with theatres that will suit their timelines AND their budgets quite nicely.  Additionally, J&G keeps the directors in close contact with the authors when they need to ask questions, get approval for changes or otherwise make requests.  Need to receive your materials sooner than 8 weeks?  DONE!  Need materials you do not need to return when the show is over?  DONE!  Need to NOT be nickle-and-dimed to death on all the little things?  DONE!  Partner with J&G today and lets get the show on the road!

Contact Information:
Tracy Renee
Vice President, Marketing

So There was this Rat, comedy released

So There was this Rat, comedy released

So There Was This Rat

So There Was This Rat

Another wonderful play from the creative and sometimes delightfully warped minds of playwrights, Sapperstein & Murway.  Made for adults, with grown up humor and references, “Rat” promises to keep your audiences laughing long after they’ve left the theatre.


Myra Guthrie has lost her Mother. Her Father, Virgil Eldridge, is completely heartbroken, and her husband, Carl, insists that he come to live with them.

After doing so, Virgil makes a new friend, Dave McMenamen. Some sort of chemical reaction happens, or something, when Virgil and Dave get together. The mischief meter goes WAY up, and they get into all SORTS of trouble. They have both been hard working men all their lives, and now that they are in their 70’s, they figure it’s time for a little FUN!

Additionally, Myra has five close girl friends. They LIVE for Mah Jongg. As a group, they feed off of one another, and CONSTANTLY jump to the wrong conclusions with regard to just about everything.

Myra is at her wits end, trying to keep Virgil and Dave in toe, when she gets that terrible phone call that no one ever wants. Carl has been in an accident and has been rushed to the emergency room.

Myra falls apart, and suddenly, Daddy reemerges into that strong “in charge” man that she knew she could always count on.

Through it all, she manages to come to know, understand, and love her Father stronger than she ever has.

This is a charming, funny story about family and friendship…and an Ostrich!

OH! Also a RAT!

CONTACT J&G today to receive a free perusal script of This Man Is An Island.  215-345-5550 or email Creative@JandGUnlimited.com

Learn more about Rat on our website, click here.

Laime Inventions – comedy play released

Laime Inventions – comedy play released

Comedy … Play … Small Cast … Laime Inventions released today…

Laime Inventions Cover Art

Laime Inventions Cover Art


Efram Davenport is a very dashing, fastidious and wealthy elder gentleman. These are supposed to be his retirement years but peace and quiet do not seem to be the order of the day.

Living with him are his daughter, Lavinia; her two children, Trudy and Nigel; and regrettably, his son-in-law, Ogden Laime. While Nigel delights in the pictures of naked tribes-women in the National Geographic, and Lavinia and Trudy are sweet, agreeable, kind people … Ogden on the other hand is a definite problem.

The arrogant, pompous and self-centered Ogden Laime wants to go down in history as one of the world’s greatest inventors … but he has no talent as an inventor himself. His solution is to hire true inventors to create great things for him while his business, Laime Inventions, maintains ownership of everything his employees create.

This might not be so bad except that he is infamous for cutting corners. “Mr. Laime’s Inventions” have a habit of not working out so well and for some reason, the Mayor always seems to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. For the sake of his daughter and grandchildren, Efram Davenport is continually picking up the pieces from all the disasters.

After firing one of his inventors, Percival Good, and following the “sound” advice of his clever and in-love secretary, Ms. Caruthers, Ogden releases the object of her affections (Percival), from any contractual obligations to Laime Inventions.

Soon after leaving Laime Inventions, Percival’s simple yet amazing “Good” inventions skyrocket to major acclaim and financial success, causing Ogden so much angst, he begins to lose touch with reality.

Laime Inventions is a humorous journey through the lives of this turn-of-the-century family as they navigate their way through the industrial revolution to find love, success and happiness.

CONTACT J&G today to receive a free perusal script of This Man Is An Island.  215-345-5550 or email Creative@JandGUnlimited.com

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