
So There Was This Rat, A Small Cast Comedy Play Licensed


A Comedic Play with Poignant Moments.  A father and daughter deal with the loss of a loved one, the meaning of life, and the idiosyncrasies of friends.  They are buoyed throughout by someone who stays in the background until tragedy looms.

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Myra Guthrie has lost her Mother. Her Father, Virgil Eldridge, is completely heartbroken, and her husband, Carl, insists that he come to live with them.

After doing so, Virgil makes a new friend, Dave McMenamen. Some sort of chemical reaction happens, or something, when Virgil and Dave get together. The mischief meter goes WAY up, and they get into all SORTS of trouble. They have both been hard working men all their lives, and now that they are in their 70’s, they figure it’s time for a little FUN!

Additionally, Myra has five close girl friends. They LIVE for Mah Jongg. As a group, they feed off of one another, and CONSTANTLY jump to the wrong conclusions with regard to just about everything. Myra is at her wits end, trying to keep Virgil and Dave in toe, when she gets that terrible phone call that no one ever wants. Carl has been in an accident and has been rushed to the emergency room.

Myra falls apart, and suddenly, Daddy reemerges into that strong “in charge” man that she knew she could always count on.

Through it all, she manages to come to know, understand, and love her Father stronger than she ever has.

This is a charming, funny story about family and friendship… and an Ostrich!

OH! Also a RAT!

Cast of Characters

  1. MYRA GUTHRIE – (50-55) – An attractive, well dressed woman with the look of proper upbringing, but not at all stuffy.
  2. VIRGIL ELDRIDGE – (75-80) Widower. Father of MYRA. He is an attractive elder former businessman. He is mischievous and loves to stir up trouble in order to take the boredom out of his day.
  3. CARL GUTHRIE – (55-60) Myra’s husband. A handsome businessman, well-dressed, and good natured.
  4. DAVE McMENAMEN – (75-80) Widower. VIRGIL’s best friend. (and partner in crime) A heavy set, former blue collar worker.
  5. DORIS – (50-55) – Myra’s friend. Attractive woman with that businessman’s wife look. Her husband does well, so she has never had to work.
  6. SYLVIA – (50-55) – Myra’s friend. Good looking woman. Jewish housewife type.
  7. CARLA – (50-55) – Myra’s friend. Italian mother type.
  8. FRANCINE – (50-55) – Myra’s friend. A slender, Plain Jane type. She is sweet, and scatterbrained. Panics easily.
  9. LUCILLE – (50-55) – Myra’s friend. A nice looking woman, but a little heavy set.

Script Sample

Production Notes

TIME: The Present

PLACE: Small Town America


The main set is the kitchen at the Guthrie home, with a lounge chair and small table to the side.

There is a scene outside a drug store which only requires a door with the words “Drug Store” on it. The main set is in the dark during this scene.

There is an implied scene at a movie theatre which only requires a darkened stage with a small row of chairs under a spotlight.

Materials Package

Your Materials Package Includes:

  • 17 Scripts
  • 1 Press Play CD of Sound Effects

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