by tracyrenee | Mar 17, 2013 | Comedy, On The Stage, Play Perusals, Regal's Last Resort, Tellico Community Players
On March 14 through March 17, 2013, Tellico Community Players in Tennessee performed J&G’s own, Regal’s Last Resort.
Tellico Community Players
Regals Last Resort final day, what a fantastic performance by everyone. Good job cast and crew.
–Tellico’s Facebook Page
by tracyrenee | Oct 18, 2011 | Comedy, On The Stage, Play Perusals
SHEBOYGAN FALLS, WISCONSIN – October 18, 2011 – The Final Approach Restaurant at the Sheboygan County Memorial Airport, known for their amazing food and dining experience, has come together with J&G Productions, to bring to you a new dinner theatre experience. J&G Productions in Sheboygan, is led by Ralph Maffongelli, former Artistic Director at the Sheboygan Theatre Company and includes many talented and well-known performers in the area.
In an interview with Ralph he stated, “Our first production will be on December 1st through the 4th and will feature an amazing new comedy by Sapperstein & Murway, called Love and Merger. It’s about a greedy town council and what goes on when a wealthy town founder passes and leaves his estate to the town itself,” he shared. “You’ll see many familiar faces on stage including Tamara Richelle Pool, Tyrone Wesley, Robert J. Scheibl, Samantha Lin Pool, Chris Fontaine, Eileen McCormick Kelm, Michael A. Eberhardy and Kevin Horne,” Ralph concluded.
This is only the beginning of an aggressive calendar of theatrical entertainment, planned for Sheboygan and surrounding area residents for the 2012 season. “If you love theatre, love great food and live in the area, you really ought to head on over and see what we have planned for you,” states Tracy Byrne, J&G Unlimited’s VP, COO.
Tickets are available at the restaurant by calling 920-341-3668 where a J&G representative will call you back to finalize your order. You can go to “Dinner and a Show” or “Show Only”, and group rates are available for 15 or more. More information about the play, “Love and Merger” is found on TLC Scripts’ website here:
About J&G Productions
J&G Productions is a wholly owned subsidiary of J&G Unlimited, LLC, a theatrical licensing firm representing the writing and composing team of Judith Sapperstein & Gary Murway. For additional information, please visit our website at:
About Final Approach Restaurant
The Final Approach Restaurant serves fine dining at a reasonable price. The food is exceptional and the menu is expansive, serving breakfast, lunch, and dinner. In addition to their restaurant, they have a Banquet Facility that can handle up to 650 people for weddings, parties, events, conventions, and more. (
Press Contact:
Tracy Byrne, VP,/COO
J&G Unlimited, LLC.
920-341-3668 (in Sheboygan)
by tracyrenee | Nov 16, 2010 | Comedy, New Releases, Play Perusals
A Comedy You Won’t Soon Forget!
LENGTH: 1 hour, 30 minutes
(not including intermission or scene changes)
Maxine and Charlotte are sisters. Two buxom and full figured women who have worked hard all their lives and never quite gotten out of “Trailer Park” status. Although they have a tough exterior, they are actually very good people.
Maxine’s husband has just died of a sudden heart attack while he was on the road with their brand new Peterbilt Truck. Maxine reveals to Charlotte that Nelson’s heart attack could not have come at a worse time. They just bought the new rig, and Maxine is left in debt up to her eyeballs.
Trying to help, yet feeling at a loss, Charlotte says, “It’s a shame you can’t just pick up where Nelson left off.” Charlotte, of course does not really mean it, but Maxine suddenly figures… “Why NOT?” And so the adventure begins! And, while they’re at it, they will take Nelson’s ashes with them, hoping to find just the right place to spread them where he would be most happy.
The two women, assisted by Maxine’s loveable yet intensely micromanaging neighbor, Mary Ellen, pack the truck and take off on their first run. They get off to a bad start by taking a wrong turn and creating a major incident in a “NO TRUCK ZONE,” but soon feel reassured when they meet “Sugar Daddy” on the CB radio followed by Roy McCoy, a strange little guy with very big feet. Is it true what they say about a man with big feet?
Things get complicated they meet a hooker named Trixie at Rosie Mae’s Truck Stop. It seems Trixie knew Nelson quite well and Maxine is not amused. It now becomes painfully apparent that they have found just the right spot for Nelson’s ashes. In a roaring fury, Maxine locks herself in the Ladies Room, gives her farewell speech and flushes Nelson down the toilet. After all, he loved the water, the ladies and Rosie Mae’s Truck Stop. What could be more perfect?
With Maxine finally reaching “Closure”, the two women climb back aboard their shiny new truck and take to the road with the goal of putting their past behind them and looking forward to what lies ahead.
LOOK OUT… Here come the Mother Truckers. “The road” will never be the same again!
by tracyrenee | Aug 31, 2010 | Comedy, New Releases, Play Perusals

Love and Merger was formerly called Regal’s Last Resort
Released August, 2010, Regal’s Last Resort promises to keep you laughing all the way through. This fun new comedy from Sapperstein & Murway, Buck’s County’s latest creative team, requires minimal sets and a cast of only 8 with 2 additional members hiding in the audience.
It’s 1996 and the town of Regal, South Carolina is going bankrupt. The town grew up surrounding the Regal Typewriter Company and with the advent of the computer, nobody wants typewriters anymore.
The town founder, owner of the Regal Typewriter Company, Colonel Beaumont, dies of old age and having no heirs, leaves his entire estate to the town of Regal.
Through much discussion, it is decided that, with all the experienced talent on the Board, the best thing to do is to turn the Factory into a Shopping Bazaar and the Colonel’s large home estate into a posh Hotel Resort and Spa.
On the Board is an Attorney, an Accountant, a Building Contractor, an Interior Designer, a High School Gym Teacher, a Real Estate Broker and Daisy Biskett. Daisy is the owner of the local restaurant and has written and published a cook book.
Then there is Masood Habibi. He is the owner of Habibi Fine Rugs, which always seems to be running a 20% off sale. Masood, being the clever businessman that he is, has his own agenda.
The greed sets in and everyone see’s an opportunity to get rich quick. Finally depleting the town coffers of all working capital, they must make an accounting at a Town Hall meeting, but they have backed themselves into a corner.
Miraculously there is an anonymous buyer that wants to purchase the Hotel Resort at a very good price and quickly. However, the Townspeople become suspicious after the council sell’s the Hotel and restores the town’s bank account with the proceeds.
The Townspeople rebel until finally, Daisy Biskett can’t take it anymore. She hysterically announces that SHE is the buyer. She has made so much money from the sale of her cook book, that she is more than able to make the purchase.
There is greed, fist fights, a secret sexual tryst, unrequited love, several 20% off sales and in the end, there is even talk of a bordello.
CONTACT J&G today to receive a free perusal script of Regal’s Last Resort. 215-345-5550 or email
Learn more about Regal’s Last Resort on our website, click here.
by tracyrenee | Feb 16, 2010 | Comedy, New Releases, Play Perusals

So There Was This Rat
Another wonderful play from the creative and sometimes delightfully warped minds of playwrights, Sapperstein & Murway. Made for adults, with grown up humor and references, “Rat” promises to keep your audiences laughing long after they’ve left the theatre.
Myra Guthrie has lost her Mother. Her Father, Virgil Eldridge, is completely heartbroken, and her husband, Carl, insists that he come to live with them.
After doing so, Virgil makes a new friend, Dave McMenamen. Some sort of chemical reaction happens, or something, when Virgil and Dave get together. The mischief meter goes WAY up, and they get into all SORTS of trouble. They have both been hard working men all their lives, and now that they are in their 70’s, they figure it’s time for a little FUN!
Additionally, Myra has five close girl friends. They LIVE for Mah Jongg. As a group, they feed off of one another, and CONSTANTLY jump to the wrong conclusions with regard to just about everything.
Myra is at her wits end, trying to keep Virgil and Dave in toe, when she gets that terrible phone call that no one ever wants. Carl has been in an accident and has been rushed to the emergency room.
Myra falls apart, and suddenly, Daddy reemerges into that strong “in charge” man that she knew she could always count on.
Through it all, she manages to come to know, understand, and love her Father stronger than she ever has.
This is a charming, funny story about family and friendship…and an Ostrich!
OH! Also a RAT!
CONTACT J&G today to receive a free perusal script of This Man Is An Island. 215-345-5550 or email
Learn more about Rat on our website, click here.
by tracyrenee | Feb 3, 2009 | Comedy, New Releases, Play Perusals
Comedy … Play … Small Cast … Laime Inventions released today…

Laime Inventions Cover Art
Efram Davenport is a very dashing, fastidious and wealthy elder gentleman. These are supposed to be his retirement years but peace and quiet do not seem to be the order of the day.
Living with him are his daughter, Lavinia; her two children, Trudy and Nigel; and regrettably, his son-in-law, Ogden Laime. While Nigel delights in the pictures of naked tribes-women in the National Geographic, and Lavinia and Trudy are sweet, agreeable, kind people … Ogden on the other hand is a definite problem.
The arrogant, pompous and self-centered Ogden Laime wants to go down in history as one of the world’s greatest inventors … but he has no talent as an inventor himself. His solution is to hire true inventors to create great things for him while his business, Laime Inventions, maintains ownership of everything his employees create.
This might not be so bad except that he is infamous for cutting corners. “Mr. Laime’s Inventions” have a habit of not working out so well and for some reason, the Mayor always seems to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. For the sake of his daughter and grandchildren, Efram Davenport is continually picking up the pieces from all the disasters.
After firing one of his inventors, Percival Good, and following the “sound” advice of his clever and in-love secretary, Ms. Caruthers, Ogden releases the object of her affections (Percival), from any contractual obligations to Laime Inventions.
Soon after leaving Laime Inventions, Percival’s simple yet amazing “Good” inventions skyrocket to major acclaim and financial success, causing Ogden so much angst, he begins to lose touch with reality.
Laime Inventions is a humorous journey through the lives of this turn-of-the-century family as they navigate their way through the industrial revolution to find love, success and happiness.
CONTACT J&G today to receive a free perusal script of This Man Is An Island. 215-345-5550 or email
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