Methacton Performs The Irish Wake of Patty O’Toole

Methacton Performs The Irish Wake of Patty O’Toole

What an amazing performance by Methacton Community Theatre who put the Sapperstein & Murway comedy, The Irish Wake of Patty O’Toole on stage from March 6 through 16.

Stage Magazine wrote their performance up, two times, found here: http://bit.ly/1d436ww.

“Sapperstein and Murway have written a fun filled evening of Irish themed humor.  The cast is having a ball and it radiates to the audience,” — Arnie Finkle, Stage Magazine.

Patty O’Toole has passed on and the town gathers at his wake to mourn and remember this mischievous trouble maker and his leprechaun inclusive events when it seems, Patty’s not done creating mischief.  He shows up at his own wake rather than wait in line at the pearly gates for his turn at his interview.

Check out “The Irish Wake of Patty O’Tool” in our catalog by clicking here.


Crane Point Museum in Marathon Florida  Performs Mother Truckers

Crane Point Museum in Marathon Florida Performs Mother Truckers

Mother Truckers hits the road in Florida with the Crane Point Museum and the audience laughs all the way to “Rosie Mae’s Truck Stop” where they “eat here and get gas.”

Loretta Geotis of Crane Point shared her input on what she and her group did:

“I had the pleasure of working with J&G Unlimited in creating a fundraising project for my organization.  I decided to have a dinner and a play.  I had read “Mother Truckers” a few years prior while working as Executive Director at a community theatre.  I remembered the script and decided to use it for my event.  The script is well-written and very funny and has a small cast which was a necessity in my case.

I was able to enhance the story by adding funny signs and props including a sign that said “Rosie Mae’s Truck Stop – Eat Here and Get Gas.”  I created a “truck stop” environment with checked tablecloths and toy trucks and I-95 signs incorporated into the centerpieces.  My truck was carefully constructed and lit up which added to the ambiance.

The PressPlay CD sound track [provided by J&G with materials] finished off a great product and the audience was surprised at the first “truck engine” sounds and was still laughing when the toilet flushed for the final time.  The truck itself got an applause.

My audience loved it from beginning to end.  Judith at J&G was fun to work with and made the whole process worthwhile. Thank you J&G and keep writing those terrific scripts!”

As a result of the Crane Point production, J&G is receiving calls from other states as far north as New York, wanting Mother Truckers because they have been hearing from friends and theatre professionals that it is an extremely funny ride for audiences!

Thank you Loretta, you and your entire cast and crew.  What a magnificent job you’ve done!

You can find more information about Mother Truckers at the J&G Website by clicking here.

Rosarito Theatre Guild does Dancer the Footloose Reindeer

Rosarito Theatre Guild does Dancer the Footloose Reindeer

The Rosarito Theatre Guild of Baja California signed to perform Dancer the Footloose Reindeer December 6, 7 & 8, 2013.

my “Dancer” Director is anxious to start working on his production yesterday. I must admit that he & I have giggled over Dancer’s hi-jinks and are looking forward to working on it,
–Sylvia Dombroski, Rosarito Theatre Guild.

Sapperstein & Murway’s Venus is a Hit – From the Award Winning Director, Ruth K. Brown

Sapperstein & Murway’s Venus is a Hit – From the Award Winning Director, Ruth K. Brown

Ruth K. Brown, Director

Ruth K. Brown, Director

As a director I appreciated the fact that with my recent production of Women are from Venus; Men are from Uranus, J&G provided flexibility in casting, script usage and script changes to accommodate my vision and the limitations of the venue.

Royalty fees are on a sliding scale including the estimated audience size which is a key consideration for community venues. Royalty fees also include a CD with all of the music and sound effects required for the production. This is done using the PRESS PLAY method developed by J&G. For any low budget community theatre, complex sets can also pose problems. J&G keep their sets simple, i.e., often a single room, to keep production costs down.

I found the J&G staff very accommodating. They reached out during the rehearsal period to make sure any problems were resolved easily and reasonably. Permission, royalty and photo usage forms were provided quickly and in an easy-to-use format. J&G wishes to build relationships with those who perform their works, and they have already sent me FREE perusal copies of three additional plays for my future consideration.

Georgiana R. Staley and Wayne Meadows star as Woman and Man in The Everett Theatre’s production of WOMEN ARE FROM VENUS, MEN ARE FROM URANUS.

Georgiana R. Staley and Wayne Meadows star as Woman and Man in The Everett Theatre’s production of WOMEN ARE FROM VENUS, MEN ARE FROM URANUS.

As part of my theatre work I also serve on the Board of Directors of the Delaware Theatre Association (DTA). DTA sponsors an annual short play festival showcasing work performed by community based theatres. Conversations with J&G have led to a commitment to re-write Women are from Venus; Men are from Uranus to a shorter length allowing submission at the 2014 festival which I will be directing with great enthusiasm.

In summary, my experiences working with J&G Unlimited, Inc. were delightful; and I will continue to consider and to recommend their works to other directors!

“There is something for everyone in this show [Women are from Venus, Men are from Uranus], which is sure to have you laughing and perhaps sighing a little, as evidenced by opening night’s audience.” – Stage Magazine, May 2013

“There is something for everyone in this show [Women are from Venus, Men are from Uranus], which is sure to have you laughing and perhaps sighing a little, as evidenced by opening night’s audience.” – Stage Magazine, May 2013


  • On-site printing capabilities so flexibility on what is received can usually be accommodated
  • PRESS PLAY to eliminate or greatly reduce music and sound effect license fees
  • Royalty fees are on a sliding scale including size of expected audiences
  • Royalty fees include a PRESS PLAY CD with the sounds/music required by the script
  • Flexibility with casting and even script versioning
  • Permission and license forms are quickly received and easy to use
  • Production photos and/or videos on their Facebook page for increased promotion
  • Outreach during rehearsal period with the intent to help ensure production success
  • Accommodation of other theatrical requirements if using one of their productions in a different way


Stage Magazine Reviews The Everett’s version of Sapperstein & Murway’s Venus

Stage Magazine Reviews The Everett’s version of Sapperstein & Murway’s Venus

Women are from Venus, Men are from Uranus made its way to the Everett Theatre stage and the reviews are in from STAGE Magazine … WOW what a great job you all did! Starring Georgiana Staley as Woman, Wayne Meadows as Man and Allison Brooks and Stephanie Williams as the Genome Observation Department Lab Tech’s. Directed by the magnificent Ruth K. Brown with costumes by the lovely and talented Star Timney and sets from the artful and handy David Sokolowski and Ruth Brown. the entire J&G Team were present at the show last weekend and OMG this group put on an amazing production of Sapperstein & Murway’s Women are from Venus, Men are from Uranus! Thanks to Stage Magazine for the fabulous review! We’re so thrilled you had a great time!


Following a command from the Boss at the Genome Observation Department, two Lab Technicians spin “Woman” and “Man” into creation from a petri dish. These experimental subjects embark on a live journey of discovery that observers will find both witty and a touch of wistful. The subjects must learn to connect with one another, though (surprise) they find that they differ in many ways, and are not supplied with instructions. The Technicians cannot seem to help but meddle some, seeing that Man is in over his head. Talk about drama in relationships! There is something for everyone in this show, which is sure to have you laughing and perhaps sighing a little, as evidenced by opening night’s audience.

Rounding out the cast of WOMEN ARE FROM VENUS, MEN ARE FROM URANUS are Allison Brooks and Stephanie Williams who portray the Lab Technicians.

Rounding out the cast of WOMEN ARE FROM VENUS, MEN ARE FROM URANUS are Allison Brooks and Stephanie Williams who portray the Lab Technicians.

Georgiana Staley, she is Woman! Her expressions, physicality, character interpretation and timing reaped much audience reaction. The scene where she is birthing away behind a partition (without much help from Man) just steals the show. Also well executed was the maturation sequencing as Woman progressed through various stages in life. Wayne Meadows plays the quintessential Man, evoking sympathy, and laughter, with his “deer in the headlight” reactions to Woman. The interplay and timing between the two is terrific and adorable. In an interesting switch, female lab techs are featured in this show instead of traditional male casting of these roles. Lab Technician #1, played by Allison Brooks, and Lab Technician #2, played by Stephanie Williams, don’t always agree. They sometimes ignore the Genome Observation Department dictates and are not perfect, but they do stir up the sauce to spill out the laughter. Also appearing on stage in lab coats to assist are backstage crew members Jenn Fleagle and Lukas Vacula.

This production runs under an hour, and there is a fifteen minute intermission. A minimal, but funky set (Ruth K. Brown, David Sokolowski) is used. Sports wear is worn by Woman and Man instead of body suits (Star Timney, Costumer), which seems to work just fine for this production.

The Everett Theatre is an historic building. It is lovingly kept with an old time theater concession stand with fresh popcorn, candy, assorted beverages, and friendly people behind the counter who make one feel welcome. A coupon for this fun show is available at http://www.stagemagazine.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Everett-May-Ad.pdf which also includes a free popcorn.

Written by Judith Sapperstein and Gary Murway
Directed by Ruth K. Brown
May 10 – 19, 2013
The Everett Theatre
45 W. Main Street
Middletown, DE 19709

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