
This is the story of a family with a history steeped in the fire of war and the heartache of loss as they discover the importance of learning who they are by coming to know and understand who and where they came from…No matter how UNSPEAKABLE it may be!

UNSPEAKABLE! has a hint of the supernatural and a powerful message artfully crafted to bring tears to your audiences’ eyes while not letting them leave the theater depressed.

Over the years, many of you have said to me, “let me know when you have a powerful, serious drama.”  Well, this is that day my friends.

I’ve read it myself, and listened to the live read-through’s.  After the first read-through, I called it a 7-tissue piece (that’s how many tissues I needed for just the tail-end of it).

And then Judie calls me one afternoon, sobbing her heart out.  I thought something was seriously wrong and was ready to speed over to rush someone to the hospital.

Thankfully that was not the case.  Apparently, she’d just finished some reworks and edits of this piece to polish it and implement feedback from directors who had critiqued it for us … and she just couldn’t contain the emotion of it.

The thing that fascinates me the most with this work though, is not only do you get the intrigue and suspense of mystery; a sense of anger as you watch the jerk of the story trying to tear the family home apart out of greed; the pain of loss due to the unspeakable death of a child; the anxiety of regret and the spookiness of the hint of the supernatural (all the rage these days) — but in the end, somehow, Judie and Gary manage to leave you with a watery smile.

The audience is left with a feeling of hope and a sense that while something truly UNSPEAKABLE has happened, their is hope for the future.  Out of all darkness some good must come.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!  I just wish I could send you the tissues through email as well 😉

All my best,
Tracy Renee

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