Regals Last Resort, now called Love and Merger, First on Funny

Love and Merger was formerly called Regal’s Last Resort
Released August, 2010, Regal’s Last Resort promises to keep you laughing all the way through. This fun new comedy from Sapperstein & Murway, Buck’s County’s latest creative team, requires minimal sets and a cast of only 8 with 2 additional members hiding in the audience.
It’s 1996 and the town of Regal, South Carolina is going bankrupt. The town grew up surrounding the Regal Typewriter Company and with the advent of the computer, nobody wants typewriters anymore.
The town founder, owner of the Regal Typewriter Company, Colonel Beaumont, dies of old age and having no heirs, leaves his entire estate to the town of Regal.
Through much discussion, it is decided that, with all the experienced talent on the Board, the best thing to do is to turn the Factory into a Shopping Bazaar and the Colonel’s large home estate into a posh Hotel Resort and Spa.
On the Board is an Attorney, an Accountant, a Building Contractor, an Interior Designer, a High School Gym Teacher, a Real Estate Broker and Daisy Biskett. Daisy is the owner of the local restaurant and has written and published a cook book.
Then there is Masood Habibi. He is the owner of Habibi Fine Rugs, which always seems to be running a 20% off sale. Masood, being the clever businessman that he is, has his own agenda.
The greed sets in and everyone see’s an opportunity to get rich quick. Finally depleting the town coffers of all working capital, they must make an accounting at a Town Hall meeting, but they have backed themselves into a corner.
Miraculously there is an anonymous buyer that wants to purchase the Hotel Resort at a very good price and quickly. However, the Townspeople become suspicious after the council sell’s the Hotel and restores the town’s bank account with the proceeds.
The Townspeople rebel until finally, Daisy Biskett can’t take it anymore. She hysterically announces that SHE is the buyer. She has made so much money from the sale of her cook book, that she is more than able to make the purchase.
There is greed, fist fights, a secret sexual tryst, unrequited love, several 20% off sales and in the end, there is even talk of a bordello.
CONTACT J&G today to receive a free perusal script of Regal’s Last Resort. 215-345-5550 or email Creative@JandGUnlimited.com
Learn more about Regal’s Last Resort on our website, click here.
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